Moynihan Train Hall Media Policy
Contact Info & Inquiry Type
For news inquiries related to the Moynihan Train Hall or Amtrak, including filming and photography at the station in the Amtrak designated areas (i.e. main concourse, Metropolitan Lounge, Ticketed Waiting Area), please contact
For non-travel and train news stories, including questions about the station’s artwork, and commercial and real estate inquires (filming and video for commercial gain or profit such as advertising, movie/TV films, promotions, documentaries, or that requires the use of actors, models, sets, or props), please contact Empire State Development.
All LIRR/MTA inquiries should go to their press office.
Pre-Filming Logistics
All media inquiries need to be approved in advance by a member of the Amtrak press team. You will be required to provide information about your media outlet, story topic, crew size, amount of equipment, and expected filming time.
Media are restricted exclusively to the public areas of the station (i.e. the main concourse or an area open to general public access and occupancy (that is not otherwise posted or restricted by posted signs or locking devices.). All private areas of the station, including the station platforms, tracks, trains, Metropolitan Lounge, Ticketed Waiting Area, employee work areas and more, are off-limits unless escorted by a member of the Amtrak Media Relations team.
Only designated and pre-approved Amtrak spokespeople can be interviewed. No other Amtrak employees are allowed to be interviewed.
Any filming or photography must not interfere with operations, customers, passenger safety, passenger flow or privacy at any time. Please note that filming with any camera wires that are on the ground and/or tripods could be a tripping hazard for anyone walking through the station.
All members of the media should be prepared to show valid press credentials at any time.