PORTLAND, MAINE – In response to Governor Mills Executive Order for State Agencies to lead by example in reducing carbon emissions, the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) announced a 15% discount on a for all Maine State Employees who use the Amtrak Downeaster for travel within or outside the State of Maine.
Passenger rail is more fuel efficient than traveling by car on a per passenger mile basis and reduces the vehicle miles travelled on our roads. “We hope this discount will encourage State employees to choose a cleaner method of travel for both work-related and personal travel,” said Natalie Bogart, Marketing Director at NNEPRA. “It also makes travel time more productive and less stressful than driving.”
The Amtrak Downeaster makes five round-trips daily between Brunswick, ME and Boston, MA and this discount is available on all Downeaster trains. To receive the 15% discount, State employees must purchase tickets three days in advance of travel and reference promotion code v503. A State I.D. is required for travel. For additional Amtrak Downeaster information or to purchase tickets visit: AmtrakDowneaster.com [1].